Long time...Sorry
Hello All, I am so sorry that I have not kept this up on a daily basis but I was luck enough to get away for a few days and see the mountains. Work here is slowing down and we are just re checking out work for the most part and finishing up the last of the buildings. We got a lot of praise so I am hopeful that we will get more contracts and therefore I can travel some more! Wooo Hooo! I am waiting for that day to come. I also won a "Best Team" award, which is a little bit cheesy but I got a nice clock out of it hehe. As for this weekend, it was quite an adventure. I traveled with four co-workers who happen to all be boys...I sat in the middle seat of a Chevy cobalt for the entire trip. We went up to Ruidoso, New Mexico for two days and rented a cabin. It is about 3 hours north east of El Paso. The cabin was named Kozy Kabin, let met tell you it was freezing! It was fun to get out of the hotel though. The boys all went skiing on Saturday and I read my book in the lodge. It wa...