Albuquerque Recap

In Mid October, James and I went out to visit his parents in beautiful Albuquerque. Below is a recap of our vacation! Enjoy! Thursday: Went to old town and ate at Church Street Cafe. Then we talked around Old town Plaza Vieja and went into the old town square church. We went home to rest up and then we went to the ranchers club for dinner. Friday: We awoke to Swedish pancakes and then headed into the town of Madrid. We window shopped and talked with the local hippies. After dropping Jackson off we checked out a house on the enchanted homes tour that was on display in Paako Ridge. Our original plan was to head to the balloon fiesta for the Glowdeo but the weather was bad so we opted to stay close and we went to Molly's for a drink and some tunes. We stopped at the Triangle grocery store to pick up some ingredients for schnitzel (and froyo). Nan made a great dinner and we watched the Nationals lose. Saturday: We rose out of bed at an ungodly hour (4!) to head down to ...