El Paso
I am sorry that I have not been able to keep up with this more frequently while here in New Mexico, but we have been rather busy.

The first week out Janna and I were at Fort Bliss capturing buildings far away.
Highlights: Janna bought cowboy boots within the first 2 hours of being here.
We layed by the pool and completed our work.
We ended up staying at this really nice hotel the last night she was here since it was cheaper and closer to the halloween festivities.
We made awesome goddess costumes out of walmart supplies and got a plethora of compliments.
I lost my orange wallet. Tear drops.
Now I am in White Sands. It is going well. We are all having a good time. We went bowling a few times and I still cant break 100. What is wrong with me?
A group of us went up to White Sands National Monument yesterday on our day off and went sledding. It was so neat. This is the only place on the world that there is this white sand. And we went to Ruidoso to the casino. I lost 25$. Where was grams good luck when I needed it haha. I had a good time though and watched the guys play black jack and r
